Health and Fitness: Build Muscle Article Category

Health and Fitness: Build Muscle Article Category

How Much Protein Should You Have Each Day?
How much protein a person needs is one heck of a debated topic. So how much do you need? Wellllllll, let's look past the hype and commercial interest's to help you to find the healthy truth on this topic. Here are some specific concerns you should take into consideration:
How To Measure Your Bodybuilding Progress To Make Gains
The reason we lift weights is to grow muscle and become stronger - Period! There is no other physiological reason or logic. So why do so many fail at making real progress? Here is one of the reasons I have noticed. Choice distraction: Yes, the curse of so many choices. Back in the days before modern muscle building, the wanna-be-bodybuilder had few choices of modes of training methods. There were barbells, dumbbells, benches and a few different simple cable machines. So a weight trainer just kept training with the basic weight lifting tools using the basic exercises and you know what happened? They grew muscle!
The Secret to Adding Muscle
Growing up in a small town in Nebraska, at a very early age I became obsessed with big muscles. I would watch cartoons with characters that had 22 inch arms and bulging pectorals. I began to buy all the action figures and started drawing these characters for hours on end.
Calisthenics for Mass Building
There will be times when a gym is inaccessible to you. Maybe you're away, feel like a change of scenery or just want a new challenge - so you're going to need to know how to build muscle mass using your own bodyweight for resistance, in other words calisthenics.

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